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Our Equipment
We use cutting edge technology to test novel interventions that promote neuroplasticity for both stroke and MS patients.

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) is a non-invasive form of brain stimulation. Using a magnetic coil, the part of the brain that causes a muscle contraction in the hand is stimulated. This pathway between the brain and the muscle can be affected by multiple sclerosis and stroke, and by measuring this contraction - we can determine how well the pathway from the brain to the muscle is working. We can also assess its response to various interventions or at different time points to track how the brain might be changing.
Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) allows us to visualize how the brain is working while you are completing tasks like moving your hand or doing mental math. fNIRS is a non-invasive tool used to measure brain activity in real-time. When a certain area of the brain becomes activated in response to a stimulus, more blood is sent to that area.
The light systems attached to the fNIRS head cap can detect changes in blood flow throughout the surface of the brain, giving us information about brain activity every second.
Our device is manufactured by NIRX ( and is funded by the Canada Foundation for Innovation and the Government of Newfoundland & Labrador.


Zeno Walkway
Kinesiological Instrument for Normal and Altered Reaching Movement (KINARM) is an interactive robotic device designed to assess sensorimotor and cognitive function through behavioral tasks using the upper limb.
At the Recovery and Performance Laboratory, we use the KINARM End-Point to help enhance our research in rehabilitation and effective recovery from neurodegenerative diseases.
The Kinarm was funded by the Canada Foundation for Innovation and the Government of Newfoundland & Labrador.
For more information about the KINARM products, please visit BKIN Technologies Ltd website (

The Zeno Electronic Walkway and associated software (PKMAS) by Protokinetics are tools that allow us to measure and analyze walking patterns in people with walking impairment. Pressure sensors within in the instrumented, 14-foot walkway record information related to walking quality, symmetry and speed as well as reaction time and balance. Importantly, this information can be used to design and study personalized rehabilitation interventions. Furthermore, we can use this walkway to study the effects of rehabilitation interventions on walking ability. The ultimate goal is to improve walking in people with multiple sclerosis and in people who have had a stroke.
This leads to improved quality of life through
enhanced participation at home and in the community.